Monday, 1 April 2013

[1st] April 1813: James Stuart-Wortley recommends a reward for 2 informers

No 45, Lower [Grosvenor] Street

Dear Sir,

I beg leave to call your notice that two persons, named Broughton and Howells, were employed by me for the purpose of detecting certain persons in the town of Barnsley, who had engaged in administering unlawful Oaths. Upon their information and evidence, I committed two persons to take their trial at York, named John Eadon and Craven Cookson, one of whom John Eadon was convicted at the late Special Assizes.

I have to request therefore that they may receive such reward as the Secretary of State may think their services merit. There is also a small sum, I think about 27£ incurred for expences during the time they were employed.

I am Dear Sir
your faithful humble servt
J Stuart Wortley

[To: Lord Sidmouth]

This undated letter can be found at HO 42/133. Notes appended to the document show that the Home Secretary agreed to give the men £10 each, although writing in another hand states the men were paid a total of £37.

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