Friday, 3 March 2017

3rd March 1817: Jeffrey Lockett asks John Beckett how to apprehend the Luddite 'Little Sam'

Mr Lockett presents his [Compliments] to Mr Beckett and has the pleasure to inform him that Mr Hobhouse has received a second communication from Col. Mainwaring which leaves no doubt as to the identity of Little Sam and the deserter at Porchester Castle. Mr L. would have waited upon Mr Beckett to have taken his directions as to the removal of the prisoner to Leicester, but is just leaving town. Time will not admit of his being marched back again—If a less expensive method cannot be suggested Mr L. will send an officer from Derby with a warrant from Mr Mundy, which maybe backed by Hampshire magistrate, but he will wait to hear from Mr B. on the [illegible]

Grecian Coffee house
March: 3d 1817

This letter can be found at HO 42/161.

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