Monday 7 May 2018

7th May 1818: Francis Raynes writes to Henry Hobhouse

No 3 Doughty Place
Lambeth Walk
7th May 1818


Presuming on the introduction of Sir Thomas Maitland to you at Huddersfield in the year 1812 I [illegible] to address you. You are no doubt Sir, acquainted with my services at that period, and the light in which I now stand with His Majesty’s Government.

Greatly, infinitely should I be indebted to you Sir, would your benevolence lead you to interfere in my favour with Lord Sidmouth

I should not obtrude my self upon His Lordship or you Sir, if I had not been privately, and publicly attacked in a most cruel and unwarrantable manner

The loss of fortune a man may endure but to be bereft of character is insufferable.

I am driven from my Wife and five infant children to seek redress, which if denied me they must apply for Parochial relief—to witness this would almost turn my hair

My present unhappy situation every one must allow, arises from the service in question—for before my character was unsullied—May I again entreat you will do me the kindness to see Lord Sidmouth in my behalf; and should His Lordship be pleased to take my case into consideration, and rescue me from the impending stain [crossed out text] I shall ever feel most grateful for your charitable interference

I have the Honor to be
With true respect
Your most obt Humble Sert.
Francis Raynes
Late Captain Stirlingshire


H. Hobhouse Esqr
&c &c &c

This letter can be found at HO 42/177. The 'public attacks' Raynes refer to may relate to his being  mentioned in Parliament the previous February.

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