Wednesday, 11 January 2012

11th January 1812: Lord Middleton tries to strong-arm the Home Secretary

Wollaton House Nottinghamshire Jany 11th 1812


It is become my painful Duty to repeat my report to you that the hitherto unparalleled state of plunder, outrage, & general terror, continues thro’ out the whole of this Country, & although I should wish to be the last person to bring forward any measure that might prove painful to Government, Unless prompt & effective measures are directed, I shall most reluctantly feel myself driven to the necessity of coming to Town, Expressly to state, plainly, & as distinctly as I may be able to Parliament, the very shameful occurrences that have been suffer’d for such a length of time to take place involving the ruin of Hundreds, & to endeavour to call the attention of the public, to the shortsightedness of those who have so supinely sufferd the Hydra raise its Heads.

I have the Honor to be Sir with Every Consideration
Your Most Obedient Humble Lord Middleton

(to Richard Ryder, Home Secretary)

The letter can be found at HO 42/119.

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