Wednesday, 25 January 2012

25th January 1812: Reward notice for arson at Oatlands Mill

200 Guineas Reward.

WHEREAS some Villain or Villains did, on Sunday the 19th of January Instant. Wilfully and maliciously SET FIRE to the BUILDINGS of Messrs. OATES, WOOD and SMITHSON, situate at OATLANDS, nears Leeds, whereby the Property was materially injured.

NOTICE is hereby given,

That a Reward of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS will be given to any Person or Persons who shall communicate such lnformation as will lead to the Conviction of the Incendiary or Incendiaries, or of any other Person or Persons who were engaged in a Conspiracy for destroying or injuring the Said Property, upon Conviction of the Offenders or any of them.

Any Accomplice or Accomplices (except the Person or Persons who actually set Fire to the Property,) may, by giving the necessary Information, receive the said Reward, and an Application will be made for his Majesty’s Pardon on Behalf of any such Accomplice or Accomplices.

Apply to Messrs. Oates, Wood and Smithson, or at the Town Clerk's Office, in Leeds.

A further Reward of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS will be; given as above-stated, by Mr. T. H. Ridsdale, Agent for the Norwich Union Insurance-Office.

Leeds, Jan. 25th, 1812.

The public notice appeared in the Leeds Mercury of 8th February 1812. On the 31st January, the same notice was republished on the front page of the Leeds Mercury, but this time endorsed by Government, being issued by the Home Secretary, Richard Ryder.

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