Sunday, 30 June 2013

30th June 1813: A priest from Marsden seeks a reward for the former spy, Joseph Taylor

My Lord

I beg Leave to address you on Account of Mr. Joseph Taylor who has been indefatigable in suppressing and bringing to Justice the Luddites in the west Riding of this County—He was one of the most active of those, who secured the three diabolical Ruffians who murdered my worthy Friend and C:Warden Mr William Horsfall; and he has at different Times exerted himself both in Lancashire and Cheshire (at the Hazard of his Life) upon the same Business—He says, the only Perquisite which he has received from Government was a Suit of Cloaths, and two Pounds five Shillings in Cash: You will see my lord from the inclosed Certificate which my worthy Friend Mr. Radcliffe has given him, that he has taken an active part in order to bring these Vagabonds to condign Punishment and I trust that your Lordship will have the Goodness to procure him a Remuneration for his faithful services. Several Gentlemen in this Vicinity have advised him to Petition the Prince Regent; but I trust from the promises of Reward which were made of him (when he engaged in this perilous undertaking) by the Right Honorable Robert Rider late Secretary of State, that there will be no necessity to have recourse to a Petition—

Your Answer my Lord, will be gratefully
received, by your Lordships most obedient
humble Servant.

Lancelot Bellas Minister
of Marsden,

Marsden near Huddersfield June 30th

[To Lord Sidmouth]

I Joseph Radcliffe the squire one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace in and for the West Riding of the County of York do here by Certify that Joseph Taylor of Failsworth in the County of Lancaster did apprehend and bring before me in the month of October last George Mellor William Thorp Thos Smith and Benjamin Walker Charged with the wilfull murder of William Horsfall of Marsden Cloath merchant Given under my hand this 15th Day of June 1813



A Coppy

This letter can be found at HO 42/134.

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