Friday, 7 June 2013

7th June 1813: "May the manufacturers and the machinery of Yorkshire ever be uninterrupted"

On Monday 7th June 1813, the respective Address of Thanks for William Cartwright & Joseph Radcliffe drawn up by West the Yorkshire bourgeoisie were presented to both men by a party that processed between their respective residences. The Leeds Mercury of 12th June carried a full account, which is below:


On Monday the 7th instant, the Gentleman of the West-Riding assembled at Robertown, previous to the presentation of the Addresses of Thanks to JOSEPH RADCLIFFE, Esq. and to Mr. WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT, unanimously voted at the late public Meeting at the Yew Tree Inn, on the 17th May. The addresses were produced most numerously and respectably signed by the Gentleman of Leeds, Wakefield, Huddersfield, Halifax, Bradford and intermediate District; and the Chairman of the Meeting of the 17th ult. William Rawson, Esq. was requested to present them, accompanied by the Gentleman of the West-Riding. When the mode of presentation was settled, a Resolution was unanimously adopted, to request Mr. Radcliffe to sit for a full-length portrait, by one of the first artists, and that the picture should be placed in one of the Courts of Justice of the West-Riding. A place will be engraved, and proofs and copies given to the subscribers, according to the amount and order of their subscriptions.

The Gentleman then proceeded on horseback, two and two, to Rawfolds, which is in the immediate neighbourhood of Robertown, and alighted at Mr. W. Cartwright's.

Mr. Rawson then addressed that Gentleman as follows:—

"Mr. William Cartwright—In the name of the Gentleman of the West-Riding of the County of York, I present to you an Address of Thanks, for your conduct during the late disturbances, which Address Mr. Battye will read to you."

To Mr William Cartwright, of Rawfolds.

"We the undersigned Inhabitants of the West-Riding of the County of York, most heartily approve of your Conduct in defence of your property and person, against the unprincipled attack made upon Rawfolds Mill, in the dead of night of the eleventh of April, 1812.

"We offer you our sincere thanks upon this express ground, that we are persuaded your firm and courageous conduct on that occasion, greatly contributed to checked and disconcert the destructive objects of an armed and lawless combination, to secure property, ultimately to preserve many valuable lives, and to restore the peace and tranquillity of this district,"—May 17, 1813.

To this address Mr. W. Cartwright replied:

"GENTLEMEN,—It would be most consistent with my feelings, to receive in respectful silence this most highly flattering testimony of the approbation of the Gentleman of the West-Riding of the County of York; but I cannot omit to say, that in the defence of my private property, (which is a duty every man owes to society, and from which no heart can shrink without the absolute loss of character,) I could not flattered myself with a hope, that my exertions would have been thought to merit so distinguishing a mark of the public favour.

"Believe me, Gentlemen, I feel sensible, as I ought to do, of the honour which you confer upon me."

Mr. Knight then addressed Mr. Cartwright—"A Constable of Halifax, I have to present to you an Address of Thanks, agreed upon at a public meeting of the town and parish of Halifax, on the 12th day of May last, which Address Dr. Thomson will read to you."

"To Mr. William Cartwright, of Rawfolds.

"SIR,—We the undersigned inhabitants of the town and parish of Halifax, beg leave to express our high sense of your Services, when your Property and Life and the Lives of your Men were assailed at Rawfolds Mill, on the Night of Eleventh of April, 1812. Of your conduct on that occasion, there is but one opinion throughout the Empire. In that opinion your Neighbours and late fellow Townsmen most cordially concur. We join our regret with yours, that in the discharge of that arduous duty, events occurred most painfully to your human feelings. But you stood in self defence.

"The Town and Parish of Halifax highly appreciate your Services. They claim also to share with you in some degree the Sacrifices which you have made, and cannot consent that by the discharge of your Duty, the Comforts of your Family should be at all curtailed. May your future pursuits be uninterrupted and successful, and in the general Tranquillity, and in the Bosom of your Family, may you and they long enjoy that Health and Happiness, which during the recent Disturbances, were so greatly endangered and impaired."—Halifax, 12th May, 1813.

To which Mr. W. Cartwright replied:

"GENTLEMEN,—"in accepting this highly flattering and delicate Address, permit me to offer you my warmest sentiments of Gratitude.

"During nearly twelve months of watchfulness, anxiety, and domestic privations, through every danger, and through the awful and much to be deplored scenes which present themselves in time to time, (under Divine Providence) a consciousness that I was performing an imperative duty, could alone have supported me.

"It will ever be the proudest feeling of my heart, my exertions have been thought to meet the notice of the Gentleman, whose Names are found in this highly valued Address.

"To you, individually, gentleman, permit me to offer my most sincere acknowledgements for this condescending mark of your attention to me. Believe me, it will be remembered with feelings of the most lively gratitude to the latest hour of my existence."

Colonel Thomas Ramsden, of the Halifax Local Militia, in which Mr. Cartwright commands a company, took him by the hand, and addressed him as follows:

"Captain Cartwright—In the name of the Officers and Men of the Halifax Local Militia, I thank you for the manner in which you have upheld the honour and character of the regiment."

Mr. Cartwright replied,
"I can only thank you, Colonel Ramsden, for the readiness with which you acceded to my application for arms and ammunition to defend my property, and for the confidence which you then expressed, that I would not shed blood unnecessarily."

After having partaken of some refreshment, and having shaken hands with Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, the Gentleman proceeded through Robertown to Huddersfield. At the George Inn, a considerable number of Gentleman joined the cavalcade, which proceeded two and two, and made a very fine and interesting appearance, in winding down the valley to Milnes-bridge. On approaching the residence of Mr. Radcliffe, the gentlemen dismounted, and preceded by the Band of the South Devon Militia, under the kind and judicious direction of Colonel Lang, proceeded in order to the house. The band took its station on the lawn. Mr. Radcliffe met the Gentleman of the West Riding on the area, and invited them into the house. The large dining-room was filled.

Mr. Rawson then addressed Mr. Radcliffe as follows:—

"In the name of the Gentleman of the West Riding in the County of York, I have the honour to present to you an Address, expressive of their admiration of your conduct during the recent disturbances. Mr. Battye will read the Address."

"To Joseph Radcliffe, Esq.

"SIR—We the undersigned Inhabitants of the West-Riding of the County of York, most cordially concur in the high in general sense that is entertained of the essential Service which you have rendered to your Country by your public Conduct during the late Disturbances in this District.

"At a time of general doubt and uncertainty as to the nature, tendency, and extent of the Combination, which appeared to be formed against the Peace and Security of Persons and Property, and of considerable Alarm as to the result, you perceived and adopted the Measures best suited to the Crisis, and by your authority, advice, and example, gave efficacy to the Laws.

"We think it our duty to express to you our admiration of your disinterested Conduct, and to offer to you our warmest Thanks for your promptitude, judgement, decision, zeal, courage, and perseverance. We congratulate you upon the present Tranquillity, which your very meritorious Exertions have so greatly contributed to produce."—May 17th, 1813.

Mr. Radcliffe’s Reply.

"GENTLEMEN,—The greatest pleasure of my life having been to fulfil the duties of the public station in which I am placed, I cannot but feel this Mark of your Approbation as the most grateful Reward of my endeavours to preserve and restore the violated Peace of my Country.

"Let me, therefore, beg your acceptance of my best Thanks, the only return in my power for an Address not more gratifying to the proudest sentiments of my heart, than honourable to the public and independent spirit with which it has been dictated, and which, I trust, will ever be the rule of my future Conduct."

Mr. Radcliffe’s Answer was received with a general expression of applause.

Mr. Rawson then came forward and said,

"MR. RADCLIFFE,—I have to request, in the name of the Gentleman of the West-Riding, that you will do the honour to sit for a full-length Portrait, to be placed in one of the public Courts of the West Riding."

To which Mr. Radcliffe replied,
"It is impossible for me to decline the high honour which the Gentlemen of the West-Riding convey by this request."

This acquiescence was received with three times three cheers by the Gentlemen of the West-Riding. The band played God save the King, in which the audience warmly joined.

Mr. Knight then addressed Mr. Radcliffe—
"As Cconstable of Halifax, I have the honour to present an Address, agreed upon at a public Meeting of the Inhabitants of that town and parish, which Dr. Thomson will read."

"To Joseph Ratcliffe, Esq.

"SIR,—We the undersigned Inhabitants of the town and parish of Halifax, beg leave to express our high sense of your public Services during the late Disturbances. At a period of general alarm, and of considerable panic, you executed with unshaken firmness, the powers vested in the Magistracy, for the Preservation of the Peace, for the Prevention of Crimes, and for the Detection of Offenders. Owing in a principal degree to your Exertions as a Magistrate, the extent of the Disturbances was checked, much local suffering was prevented, valuable property was protected, and many lives were ultimately spared. The District was saved from that state of affairs, when the Military force must have superseded the Civil Power, and eventually the deluded men who had disturbed the public peace, were brought to the bar of their country.

"In these circumstances your exertion were as unprecedented as the crisis which called them forth, and you firmly and successfully upheld the dominion of the laws. The Grand Inquest of the County has already expressed the general opinion of your services. In that opinion we cordially concur. Accept our heartfelt Thanks. May your invaluable services still be continued to the public, and may you long in private life enjoy the tranquillity which you have been so instrumental in restoring."
"Halifax, 12th May, 1813."

Mr. Radcliffe's Reply:—

"GENTLEMEN.—Having been already honoured by a general Address from the Inhabitants of the West-Riding, I can only repeat my acknowledgements to the Gentleman of Halifax for concurring in the same favourable opinion of my official Conduct during the late Disturbances in this part of the Country.

"In adding my hopes that public tranquillity will long remain undisturbed by similar causes, I cannot forbear to express the cordial satisfaction I feel, in supposing myself possessed of the confidence and good opinion of so many respectable Neighbours and Friends."

This answer was received with three times three—The band played Rule Britannia.

The Gentleman then partook of a very handsome collection, the band playing several patriotic tunes on the lawn.

The cavalcade returned in the same order to Huddersfield. Opposite the George Inn, the Band played God save the King, the Gentleman being uncovered. This was followed by three times three cheers, when the procession closed.

A large and most respectable party of Gentleman dined at the George inn; Mr. Allen in the Chair. Want of room obliges us to pass over the interesting topics of discussion, and the sentiments of the several Gentleman who addressed the Meeting. But the public spirit and cordiality of the party may be judged of by the following toasts, which amongst many others, we noticed:—

The King and God bless him!
The Prince Regent.—The Queen and Royal Family.
Joseph Radcliffe Esq.—Mr. Wm. Cartwright.
Hon. Henry Lascelles.—Lord Milton.
Earl Fitzwilliam, the Lord Lieutenant of the Riding.
Lord Rolle, and the South Devon, with particular Thanks to Colonel Lang.
The Town and Trade of Huddersfield.
Marquis Wellington, and his brave army.
Sir Francis Lindley Wood, Bart. and the Magistracy in Lieutenancy of the Riding.
William Rawson Esq.—Rev. Hammond Roberson.
Sir George Armytage, Bart. and the Agbrigg Local Militia.
Colonel Ramsden, and the Halifax Local Militia.
Dr. Thomson.
Honour and Prosperity to the West-Riding of the County of York.
Mr. Knight, and the Town and Parish of Halifax.
Mr. Charles Coupland, jun. Mr. George Oates, Mr. John Fisher and the Gentlemen of Leeds.
The Vicar of Wakefield, Mr. Rayner, and their fellow townsmen.
The Emperor of Russia, and the Allies.
Thomas Allen, Esq.
May the Manufacturers and the Machinery of Yorkshire ever be uninterrupted.
Mr. Cartledge, Constable of Elland.
Mr Tom Atkinson, of Bradley-Mills.
All our absent Friends.
Co-operation and success to the West-Riding.—&c. &c.

The whole of the business of the day was conducted with an order, spirit and unanimity highly gratifying. The day was most delightful; the sun shone on the West-Riding, and the crowded enjoyment of the day can never be forgotten by the gentleman who partook of them. The Agbrigg and West Halifax Regiments of Local Militia, being on permanent duty at York and Harrogate, many gentlemen were unavoidably absent.

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