Tuesday, 18 October 2016

18th October 1816: 'A.B.' writes to the Evening Mail with more information about Luddite Committees in Nottingham

Nottingham, October 14.

In my last I pointed out to you the existence of a committee, whose orders were promptly and regularly executed. I will now give you an instance with what decision the mandates of this committee are performed. On Saturday last night last, it ordered 100 men to enter the village of Lambley, about 6 miles this place, and destroy 36 frames belonging to two men in partnership, for having made use of expressions which this committee deemed improper. These men took military possession of the village, and in the course of a very short time completed the destruction they were sent on. Yet nothing is done to bring these daring rascals to justice. Placards are up in this town, inviting the inhabitants to prepare fire-arms, as they will shortly be called upon "to fight the tyrants who now oppress them."


This letter was published in the Evening Mail on 18th October 1816.

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