Tuesday, 11 April 2017

11th April 1817: The Luddite-turned-informer, John Blackburn, writes to his fellow Luddite-turned-informer, William Burton

April 11

Dear frends.

I have the liberty of wrighting to you oping this will find you well in health. wich it leave us at this present time thank God for it Nancy is very well & the child & she desires to be remembered to you all you Must exused me getting into sutch a scrape as this for I had no more thoughts than flying In the hair last year but I thought It would do me good But thank God I have got over it—as I have my Master is settled with me for the frames but where we shall goto after whe get out of here I cant tell they tell I am quite at liberty so where I shall go to I can't tell

I have no more at present

John C. Blackburn

[To: William Burton, Lambley]

This letter can be found at HO 42/163. It was intercepted by the Post Office Surveyor, Gratian Hart, who had been deputed to examine all suspect mail in Nottinghamshire & Leicestershire for the period of the Luddite trials & executions and the arrest of Gravenor Henson, by the Secretary to the GPO, Francis Freeling.

1 comment:

  1. Think William Burton of Lambley was his wife Ann Burton's father.
