AT a Special GENERAL MEETING of MAGISTRATES, held at the COURT HOUSE in WAKEFIELD, in the said Riding, on Thursday the 4th of February, 1813:—
The Right Hon. the LORD-LIEUTENANT,
in the Chair;
Sir John Ingilby, Bart.
Sir Francis Lindley Wood, Bart.
Francis Edmunds, Esq.
Rev. William Wood, Clerk;
Benjamin Brooksbank, Esq.
Joseph Radcliffe, Esq.
Godfrey Wentworth Wentworth, Esq.
William Dawson, Esq.
Rev. John Lowe, Clerk;
Matthew Wilson, Esq.
William Weightson, Esq.
Rev. John Taylor, Clerk;
Edward Ferrand Esq.
Benjamin Dealtry, Esq.
Michael Stocks, Esq
John Pemberton Heywood, Esq.
Joseph Scott, Esq.
Watson Scatcherd, Esq.
Rev. Alexander Cook, Clerk;
William Twiss, Esq.
That the most grateful Thanks of this Meeting be returned to the Right Hon. Lieut-Gen. Maitland, the Hon. Lieut-Gen. Grey, Major-Gen. Ackland, and Major-Gen. Stevenson, for their active, zealous, and unremitted Attention to the Suppression of Riot and Disturbance, and the Restoration and Maintenance of the Public Peace and Tranquillity of the West-Riding, and for their Support of the Civil Power upon every Occasion.
That the Right Hon. Lieut-Gen. Maitland be requested to give the Thanks of this Meeting to such Officers and Men under his Command as have been personally engaged in the Protection of Persons and Property, in the Suppression of Riot and Disorder, and in the Preservation of Tranquillity in this Riding, and for the uniform Zeal and Humanity displayed on all Occasions.
That the entire Approbation of this Meeting be conveyed to the Associations and Special Constables, for having adopted the Recommendations of the several Meetings of Lieutenancy, whereby, during the late disturbed State of the Riding, they have so meritoriously and effectually exerted themselves in the Preservation of the Public Peace.
That this meeting also recommends a Continuance of such Exertions, so long as the Magistrates of the several District shall think them necessary.
That the most sincere Thanks of the Meeting be given to Lord Lieutenant, for his distinguished and unremitted Attention to the Duties of his high Situation; and particularly for the useful Suggestions he had communicated to the different Meetings of Lieutenancy, to the Adoption of which the disturbed Districts have been so much indebted.
That these Resolutions be printed, and sent to his Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Home Department, to the General Officers above mentioned, to all the Deputy Lieutenants and Acting Magistrates of the West-Riding; to the Commandants of Corps, Subdivision Clerks, and to the Associations; and that the same be published Once in all the West-Riding Papers.—By Order of the Meeting,
Deputy Clerk of the Peace.