On Tuesday 29th March 1814, the Forfarshire Miltia began arriving in Liverpool, where they would soon leave for Ireland. They recently arrived from Manchester, where they had been stationed for the past 15 months.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
29th March 1814: The Town Clerk of Nottingham informs the Home Office of threats made against a Hosier
Nottingham, 29th March 1814.
Dear Sir,
Yesterday a most respectable Manufacturer of this Town with whom I have the Honour to be upon the most amicable footing one of the Gentlemen who were deputed to go to London during the Discussion of the Bill brought into Parliament by the Frameworkknitters during the last Sessions Mr James Hooley brought me the Original of the Letter of which you have a Copy on the other side. The Men are endeavouring to procure from the Manufacturers an advance in the rate of Wages which Mr Hooley has been adverse to grant from a Conviction that if it be extended as far as they wish it will increase the Price of the Manufactured Article so as to injure if not destroy the Sale of it in the foreign Market. Mr Hooley is a Man of a most intrepid & decided Character but one who has acted with great kindness & Attention to the real wants of the working Hand during the time of their Distress. He has now informed his workmen that if any of the Manufacturers choose to employ his Men at a higher rate of Wages he will suffer them to work his Frames to the [other] Houses at the increased rate & be contented with receiving only his Frame Rent. Mr Hooley has done me the Honour to state that he has made this Communication to me from his entire confidence in the Attention & Exertion of the Mayor & Aldermen if they should be required. He has desired me to communicate the Letter to Sir George Wood & has authorized me to send a Copy of it to you for the Information of Lord Sidmouth. He is not apprehensive of a personal attack upon himself altho’ he is of all Men the most liable to it from his residence is about a Mile & an half out of the Town. If Mr Hooley had not adverted to the circumstance which I took the liberty of mentioning in my last Letter you must be convinced that this Letter could not have done otherwise than bring it forcibly to my recollection, but he was aware of that occurrence & adverted to it in very strong & pointed language imputing considerable blame to those who might be considered responsible for it. I told him that I had written to you on the subject. Mr Hooley is Disposed to fear that we shall have some Trouble with these Frameworknitters & that it will arise out of their Organization & the Funds they have provided for controlling the Masters in the Conduct of their Business. I shall therefore immediately set about procuring Information on this point & you may Depend upon hearing from me on the subject as soon as I can learn anything that is worthy of Detail. I do not think that any good but much mischief would arise from any Publication of this Letter in the Gazette with Rewards offered for the Discovery of the Writer & so strong & decided an opinion does Mr Hooley entertain on this point that he would not have consented to my sending it you without speculating that this use should not be made of it. I beg that you will communicate this Letter to Lord Sidmouth in any way you may judge proper & assure him that I shall always have great pleasure when I can be of Service in promoting the Peace & good Order of the Country
I am Dear Sir
Yours very truly
Geo Coldham
Town Clerk
Dear Sir,
Yesterday a most respectable Manufacturer of this Town with whom I have the Honour to be upon the most amicable footing one of the Gentlemen who were deputed to go to London during the Discussion of the Bill brought into Parliament by the Frameworkknitters during the last Sessions Mr James Hooley brought me the Original of the Letter of which you have a Copy on the other side. The Men are endeavouring to procure from the Manufacturers an advance in the rate of Wages which Mr Hooley has been adverse to grant from a Conviction that if it be extended as far as they wish it will increase the Price of the Manufactured Article so as to injure if not destroy the Sale of it in the foreign Market. Mr Hooley is a Man of a most intrepid & decided Character but one who has acted with great kindness & Attention to the real wants of the working Hand during the time of their Distress. He has now informed his workmen that if any of the Manufacturers choose to employ his Men at a higher rate of Wages he will suffer them to work his Frames to the [other] Houses at the increased rate & be contented with receiving only his Frame Rent. Mr Hooley has done me the Honour to state that he has made this Communication to me from his entire confidence in the Attention & Exertion of the Mayor & Aldermen if they should be required. He has desired me to communicate the Letter to Sir George Wood & has authorized me to send a Copy of it to you for the Information of Lord Sidmouth. He is not apprehensive of a personal attack upon himself altho’ he is of all Men the most liable to it from his residence is about a Mile & an half out of the Town. If Mr Hooley had not adverted to the circumstance which I took the liberty of mentioning in my last Letter you must be convinced that this Letter could not have done otherwise than bring it forcibly to my recollection, but he was aware of that occurrence & adverted to it in very strong & pointed language imputing considerable blame to those who might be considered responsible for it. I told him that I had written to you on the subject. Mr Hooley is Disposed to fear that we shall have some Trouble with these Frameworknitters & that it will arise out of their Organization & the Funds they have provided for controlling the Masters in the Conduct of their Business. I shall therefore immediately set about procuring Information on this point & you may Depend upon hearing from me on the subject as soon as I can learn anything that is worthy of Detail. I do not think that any good but much mischief would arise from any Publication of this Letter in the Gazette with Rewards offered for the Discovery of the Writer & so strong & decided an opinion does Mr Hooley entertain on this point that he would not have consented to my sending it you without speculating that this use should not be made of it. I beg that you will communicate this Letter to Lord Sidmouth in any way you may judge proper & assure him that I shall always have great pleasure when I can be of Service in promoting the Peace & good Order of the Country
I am Dear Sir
Yours very truly
Geo Coldham
Town Clerk
Friday, 28 March 2014
28th March 1814: The Rev WR Hay tells the Home Office that Master Printers are scared to act against the Union
Ackworth 28 March (Eveng) 1814.
Dear Sir,
Having written the only official answer which it is in my power to give to your letter of the 14th instant, I think it right privately to enclose an extract of such part of Mr. Evans’s letter to me, this day received, as refers to the subject of Lord Sidmouth’s enquiry, & to transmit some particulars connected with it.
In immediate answer to my letter, Mr. Evans (who was convening the Magistrates, & had sent a copy to the Sollicitor for the Master Printers) held out little prospect of any advantage to be expected. This was no surprise to me, as I had occasion to be aware the difficulties might occur in respect to the procuring information.
I will now state to you as surely as I can what had passed on the subject prior to my writing to Lord Sidmouth.
The Magistrates in Sessions, before whom the rules were laid, thought them of too serious a complexion, more especially after all they had witnessed, not to be sent to Government. This Order was unanimously made.
The Master Printers hearing of the determination of the Sessions, seemed pleased with what we had resolved on; and, by their Sollicitor, intimated to me that they were ready to communicate with me on the subject, if I wished it. I instantly fixed the time, & met them—After hearing the state of the combination & other particulars my advice was given as strongly as I could present it, that without loss of time, & laying aside all minor considerations, they should proceed to put down the combination, then sufficiently strong, but which would every hour become more formidable, for that delay and indecision must operate in favour of the men, & against the masters—Their sollicitor was a strongly of the same opinion. I found however (as is too often the case) that present advantages were an obstacle to some of the masters. In fact, they were unanimous as to the grievance; but not united as to the mode of resistance, if any were to be made. A Plan they had; not strictly legal perhaps; but under the circumstances probably justifiable. I proposed that, whatever plan they might think proper to pursue, they should instantly by delegation from their own body inform Government of the combination; because the question was too general in its bearing to be considered merely as respecting their own branch of trade. They stated to me some of the instances of outrage, & from what passed, I had every reason to believe that they would furnish me with a summary of several grievances already experienced by the masters; some of which, as I have stated, were the subjects of conversation. I called for this whilst I was in Manchester—On not receiving it, I requested that it might be sent after me; stating to the Sollicitor that I would withhold my letter to Government for some days, that I might have an opportunity of receiving it: but none came—I therefore could no longer delay writing on my instructions from the Sessions.
Amongst many other grievances was one which I conceive Mr Evans to refer. A Gentleman (whether or no he had been in the trade I am not sure, tho I believe he had) went to dine with a Master Printer. The journeyman heard of it. They insisted to the master that his guest should leave his house—a considerable parley ensued; and it was not till after a thorough explanation of the relation of the parties, an assurance that the guest was not in the situation of a master printer, and that his visit had nothing in its object that respected their trade—that he was suffered to remain.
In another instance a roller for the purpose of printing was in use at some extensive works. The men insisted that, inasmuch as that roller was not made by such persons, & under such circumstances as they approved, it should not be used—The master remonstrated; and, with apparent firmness; but at length he judged it prudent to give up the roller—The men, not satisfied with this, would not continue to work for him (or, probably has the term is, would have declared him in a state of blockade) unless he pay the expenses of the combination: £1.16. 0—this he did,—and I have since been informed that some other demand for expenses was insisted upon and paid.
These would have been two of the cases furnished by me. I need not state to you how important they are. When the Masters with the law in their hands dare not put it into force, the case is very serious. The evil complained of is vital - it will roll through every branch of trade; ultimately it may reach even the interior of private families.
I must request that this letter be considered as private; to be communicated only to Lord Sidmouth. As such I find it necessary to write it. Tho it may contain more perhaps than I have permission to communicate officially, it may be useful to his Lordship by way of explanation, and in respect of my brother magistrates & myself may operate so far as to protect us from censure.
I am, Dear Sir,
Your faithful & obedient humble serv.
William Robert Hay.
John Beckett Esqr &c &c
Ackworth 28 March (Eveng) 1814.
Dear Sir,
Having written the only official answer which it is in my power to give to your letter of the 14th instant, I think it right privately to enclose an extract of such part of Mr. Evans’s letter to me, this day received, as refers to the subject of Lord Sidmouth’s enquiry, & to transmit some particulars connected with it.
In immediate answer to my letter, Mr. Evans (who was convening the Magistrates, & had sent a copy to the Sollicitor for the Master Printers) held out little prospect of any advantage to be expected. This was no surprise to me, as I had occasion to be aware the difficulties might occur in respect to the procuring information.
I will now state to you as surely as I can what had passed on the subject prior to my writing to Lord Sidmouth.
The Magistrates in Sessions, before whom the rules were laid, thought them of too serious a complexion, more especially after all they had witnessed, not to be sent to Government. This Order was unanimously made.
The Master Printers hearing of the determination of the Sessions, seemed pleased with what we had resolved on; and, by their Sollicitor, intimated to me that they were ready to communicate with me on the subject, if I wished it. I instantly fixed the time, & met them—After hearing the state of the combination & other particulars my advice was given as strongly as I could present it, that without loss of time, & laying aside all minor considerations, they should proceed to put down the combination, then sufficiently strong, but which would every hour become more formidable, for that delay and indecision must operate in favour of the men, & against the masters—Their sollicitor was a strongly of the same opinion. I found however (as is too often the case) that present advantages were an obstacle to some of the masters. In fact, they were unanimous as to the grievance; but not united as to the mode of resistance, if any were to be made. A Plan they had; not strictly legal perhaps; but under the circumstances probably justifiable. I proposed that, whatever plan they might think proper to pursue, they should instantly by delegation from their own body inform Government of the combination; because the question was too general in its bearing to be considered merely as respecting their own branch of trade. They stated to me some of the instances of outrage, & from what passed, I had every reason to believe that they would furnish me with a summary of several grievances already experienced by the masters; some of which, as I have stated, were the subjects of conversation. I called for this whilst I was in Manchester—On not receiving it, I requested that it might be sent after me; stating to the Sollicitor that I would withhold my letter to Government for some days, that I might have an opportunity of receiving it: but none came—I therefore could no longer delay writing on my instructions from the Sessions.
Amongst many other grievances was one which I conceive Mr Evans to refer. A Gentleman (whether or no he had been in the trade I am not sure, tho I believe he had) went to dine with a Master Printer. The journeyman heard of it. They insisted to the master that his guest should leave his house—a considerable parley ensued; and it was not till after a thorough explanation of the relation of the parties, an assurance that the guest was not in the situation of a master printer, and that his visit had nothing in its object that respected their trade—that he was suffered to remain.
In another instance a roller for the purpose of printing was in use at some extensive works. The men insisted that, inasmuch as that roller was not made by such persons, & under such circumstances as they approved, it should not be used—The master remonstrated; and, with apparent firmness; but at length he judged it prudent to give up the roller—The men, not satisfied with this, would not continue to work for him (or, probably has the term is, would have declared him in a state of blockade) unless he pay the expenses of the combination: £1.16. 0—this he did,—and I have since been informed that some other demand for expenses was insisted upon and paid.
These would have been two of the cases furnished by me. I need not state to you how important they are. When the Masters with the law in their hands dare not put it into force, the case is very serious. The evil complained of is vital - it will roll through every branch of trade; ultimately it may reach even the interior of private families.
I must request that this letter be considered as private; to be communicated only to Lord Sidmouth. As such I find it necessary to write it. Tho it may contain more perhaps than I have permission to communicate officially, it may be useful to his Lordship by way of explanation, and in respect of my brother magistrates & myself may operate so far as to protect us from censure.
I am, Dear Sir,
Your faithful & obedient humble serv.
William Robert Hay.
John Beckett Esqr &c &c
28th March 1814: Leciestershire Framework-knitters hold meeting demanding action on wages
At a General Meeting of the Framework-Knitters of the Town and County of Leicester, held at the [Old] King’s Arms, Sanvy Gate―The following Resolutions were proposed and unanimously agreed to:―
JAMES DIGBY, in the Chair.
That under the present existing circumstances, it is a moral impossibility for the industrious framework-knitter to maintain his family.
That the present prices allowed for labour in the art of framework-knitting is most distressing to the profession, and that we should consider it an act of the greatest neglect to our families, was we to remain silent on this important occasion.
That when we see our brother mechanics which are dependent on the art of framework-knitters advancing the price of their labour, to meet the exigency of the times, we cannot but consider ourselves in the most degraded situation of society.
That the Hosiers be earnestly entreated to attend a Meeting, to be held at the Exchange, on Thursday the 7th day of April, at three o’clock in the afternoon, to take into their most serious consideration the distressed state of the trade.
That these Resolutions be printed in the Leicester papers.
That the thanks of this Meeting be given to Mr. Digby, for the able manner in which he conducted the business in the Chair.
By order of the Committee,
JOHN BLOUNT, Secretary.
JAMES DIGBY, in the Chair.
That under the present existing circumstances, it is a moral impossibility for the industrious framework-knitter to maintain his family.
That the present prices allowed for labour in the art of framework-knitting is most distressing to the profession, and that we should consider it an act of the greatest neglect to our families, was we to remain silent on this important occasion.
That when we see our brother mechanics which are dependent on the art of framework-knitters advancing the price of their labour, to meet the exigency of the times, we cannot but consider ourselves in the most degraded situation of society.
That the Hosiers be earnestly entreated to attend a Meeting, to be held at the Exchange, on Thursday the 7th day of April, at three o’clock in the afternoon, to take into their most serious consideration the distressed state of the trade.
That these Resolutions be printed in the Leicester papers.
That the thanks of this Meeting be given to Mr. Digby, for the able manner in which he conducted the business in the Chair.
By order of the Committee,
JOHN BLOUNT, Secretary.
28th March 1814: Threatening letter from 'Edwin Lud' to Mr Hooley, Hosier at Nottingham
Sunday night 12 o'Clock [28th March 1814]
I have to inform you that I was called out Friday night about 8 o'Clock by 2 of my Companions on purpose to form a plan out to murder you on my asking what you was to be murdered first for one of them said he knowed you and your father very well but you was not so bad as trantem, parker, Ray and some of them but it was more convenient to kill you and that would do for example tho you was not as bad–Mary's Clock struck twelve while we was at the spot where you was to be killed not far from Nottingham Gallows we went in one of the Sand Holes and there we was about agreeing to finish Ray but for a Charitable act to a poor Workman of hees that was badly lately. We have picked out 5 of the worst for if there is more danger in killing the worst Rogue there is the more honour Sir about 30 years ago Provisions was about a quarter the Price O good God is it Bearable to work and famish. On Friday night when we met we all took a solemn Oath that were ever we could have a chance to finish one of 5 as we have picked out and solemnly in the dead of the night when we parted we neeled down on our bare knees and in the presence of the almighty God we 3 times wished Hell might be our eternal damnation if we did not &c. &c if we are not raised 8 pence next Friday.
Edwin Lud
[To] Mr. Hoolley, Hosier
High Pavement
I have to inform you that I was called out Friday night about 8 o'Clock by 2 of my Companions on purpose to form a plan out to murder you on my asking what you was to be murdered first for one of them said he knowed you and your father very well but you was not so bad as trantem, parker, Ray and some of them but it was more convenient to kill you and that would do for example tho you was not as bad–Mary's Clock struck twelve while we was at the spot where you was to be killed not far from Nottingham Gallows we went in one of the Sand Holes and there we was about agreeing to finish Ray but for a Charitable act to a poor Workman of hees that was badly lately. We have picked out 5 of the worst for if there is more danger in killing the worst Rogue there is the more honour Sir about 30 years ago Provisions was about a quarter the Price O good God is it Bearable to work and famish. On Friday night when we met we all took a solemn Oath that were ever we could have a chance to finish one of 5 as we have picked out and solemnly in the dead of the night when we parted we neeled down on our bare knees and in the presence of the almighty God we 3 times wished Hell might be our eternal damnation if we did not &c. &c if we are not raised 8 pence next Friday.
Edwin Lud
[To] Mr. Hoolley, Hosier
High Pavement
james hooley,
threatening letters
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
26th March 1814: Joseph Nadin writes to the Home Office again about his expenses
Your Letter of the 3d. Instant was duly Received at this Office, but being at the Assizes has prevented me from writing you sooner, I hope you will excuse the Liberty I have taken being a total Stranger to you, and have to thank you for your endeavours to get my Account settled with the Treasury, I assure you that there is not one Item in my accounts that I have charged a penny more than it cost me, the Riots prevailed almost all round Manchester at the same Time, and not one Constable of those Townships would assist, I had no other Resource but the Military, I seldom went out with less than 26 to 30 of the Grays for nights together to apprehend those charged with Rioting, the number of Men Horses and Assistants Expenses were considerably more than I charged in my Bill, A Coach could not be obtained for the usual Sum and was very hard to get at any price, I can positively say that I paid more by sixty pounds than was charged in my Accounts. I treated the Greys with that Respect I thought they deserved, and I am sorry I had it not in my power to do more than I did for I cannot say too much in their praise, the Expences of witnesses at the Assizes when compared with others Bills I trust will be thought reasonable and all the other Sums were paid by order of the Magistrates with Respect to the Luddites tried at Derby warrants were specially directed to me and sent by Saml. Frith Esqr. of Bank near Chapel le Frith, one of his Majesty’s Justices of the peace for the County of Derby to desire me to apprehend them and that I should be handsomely paid for my Trouble, the County of Derby did allow me some of my Expences and for Loss of Time I could say I was nothing out of pocket, the Rewards and Tickets were received by Mr. Shaw the Solicitor who undertook the prosecution I never had one penny of the Rewards General Maitland desired me to send two Men over into yorkshire to get twisted in, McDonald and Goslin were sent by me and in a few days they were twisted in and five of the Men were transported at york special Commission, the General told me if the Men did their duty they should be liberally paid, I did pay them their Expences and something for Loss of Time but not as much as they could get at home by half a Guinea a week and they have been out of work Six Months since which is very hard for them. General Maitland told John Silvester Esqr. one of our Magistrates if we would find the Men he would find the money. I paid all in the first Instance and charged him with a part, I had to try Experiments in the neighbourhood of Manchester to get others twisted in where I paid Sums of Money amounting to 35£ which was never charged in any Account because I did not succeed, I do think if you was to ask the Solicitors of the Bank of England they will say that they have employed me for fifteen years and they never found any Fault with my Charges, they have entrusted me with all their secret Business here which has been very considerable and I flatter myself they will say I have given them general Satisfaction and they always have rewarded me accordingly, I think it my duty to apprise you that all Trades in the Manufactory of this neighbourhood again meet in different Societys But I believe they are forming Combinations against their Masters to raise their wages, the weavers met about 500 last Tuesday Evening at Shaw Brow near this Town, I shall be very much obliged if you will have the Goodness to say on whom I may draft the Amount of my Bill
I am
Your very Humble Servant
Joseph Nadin
Police Office
March 26th 1814
Your Letter of the 3d. Instant was duly Received at this Office, but being at the Assizes has prevented me from writing you sooner, I hope you will excuse the Liberty I have taken being a total Stranger to you, and have to thank you for your endeavours to get my Account settled with the Treasury, I assure you that there is not one Item in my accounts that I have charged a penny more than it cost me, the Riots prevailed almost all round Manchester at the same Time, and not one Constable of those Townships would assist, I had no other Resource but the Military, I seldom went out with less than 26 to 30 of the Grays for nights together to apprehend those charged with Rioting, the number of Men Horses and Assistants Expenses were considerably more than I charged in my Bill, A Coach could not be obtained for the usual Sum and was very hard to get at any price, I can positively say that I paid more by sixty pounds than was charged in my Accounts. I treated the Greys with that Respect I thought they deserved, and I am sorry I had it not in my power to do more than I did for I cannot say too much in their praise, the Expences of witnesses at the Assizes when compared with others Bills I trust will be thought reasonable and all the other Sums were paid by order of the Magistrates with Respect to the Luddites tried at Derby warrants were specially directed to me and sent by Saml. Frith Esqr. of Bank near Chapel le Frith, one of his Majesty’s Justices of the peace for the County of Derby to desire me to apprehend them and that I should be handsomely paid for my Trouble, the County of Derby did allow me some of my Expences and for Loss of Time I could say I was nothing out of pocket, the Rewards and Tickets were received by Mr. Shaw the Solicitor who undertook the prosecution I never had one penny of the Rewards General Maitland desired me to send two Men over into yorkshire to get twisted in, McDonald and Goslin were sent by me and in a few days they were twisted in and five of the Men were transported at york special Commission, the General told me if the Men did their duty they should be liberally paid, I did pay them their Expences and something for Loss of Time but not as much as they could get at home by half a Guinea a week and they have been out of work Six Months since which is very hard for them. General Maitland told John Silvester Esqr. one of our Magistrates if we would find the Men he would find the money. I paid all in the first Instance and charged him with a part, I had to try Experiments in the neighbourhood of Manchester to get others twisted in where I paid Sums of Money amounting to 35£ which was never charged in any Account because I did not succeed, I do think if you was to ask the Solicitors of the Bank of England they will say that they have employed me for fifteen years and they never found any Fault with my Charges, they have entrusted me with all their secret Business here which has been very considerable and I flatter myself they will say I have given them general Satisfaction and they always have rewarded me accordingly, I think it my duty to apprise you that all Trades in the Manufactory of this neighbourhood again meet in different Societys But I believe they are forming Combinations against their Masters to raise their wages, the weavers met about 500 last Tuesday Evening at Shaw Brow near this Town, I shall be very much obliged if you will have the Goodness to say on whom I may draft the Amount of my Bill
I am
Your very Humble Servant
Joseph Nadin
Police Office
March 26th 1814
joseph nadin,
letters to government,
Monday, 24 March 2014
24th March 1814: Scribbling Mill destroyed near Huddersfield, arson suspected
On Thursday 24th March 1814, a Scribbling Mill belonging to Messrs Bates & Hobson at Sewdhill, near Kirkburton, Huddersfield was burned to the ground. The Leeds Mercury reported that an arsonist was suspected, and a reward of 100 guineas was offered.
scribbling mill,
west yorkshire
Saturday, 22 March 2014
22nd March 1814: The Town Clerk of Nottingham complains to the Home Office about the disposal of weapons by the military
Nottingham 22d. March 1814
Dear Sir,
I should have been glad to have heard from you again on the subject of your last Letter to me unless I could infer that Lord Sidmouth’s View of the question was changed by the Information which I afforded him. There is certainly many Symptoms of, of an Increase of Plan System & Organization amongst all the labouring Mechanics throughout the Kingdom. I have endeavoured to obtain more Information on the Subject & when I do I will communicate with you. In the mean time a Circumstance has occurred which I am directed by the Mayor to communicate to you for Lord Sidmouth’s Information. It is by no means the wish of the Mayor to interfere or to censure the Conduct of the Military here but they can not behold with Indifference the Sale of a very considerable quantity of Swords cast off from the Military disposed of here in Nottm at the rate of about 2 or 3 to any Person indifferently who might apply to purchase them. Mr. Alderman Swann as Deputy Mayor called at my Office this Morning & we having heard a Report that 500 old cast off Swords had been disposed of in the Town within these two Weeks last past sent for the Broker (Mr John Blackwell) who was stated to have sold them. Mr Blackwell is a very respectable man but he seemed anxious to decrease as much as might the Extent of his Sale but he admitted he has sold abt 80 on Account of the Officers or Government as we understood of the 9th Regimt of Dragoons. I am sure that in a population like ours it cannot be adviseable for them to be enabled to purchase Swords at such a Price as 2 [shillings] a Sword which was about the Average Price for Blackwell stated that he sold them without Scabbards for 1 [shilling] or one [shilling sixpence] or with Scabbards for 2 [shillings] or 2 [shillings sixpence]. Without our appearing to meddle with this Business Mr Alderman Swann trusts that Lord Sidmouth will make some communication to the War Office or we shall be ready to do it if he wishes it to come thro’ that Channel which may have a tendency to prevent the placing Arms in the Hands of the commonest of the People here In case of any popular Inflammation or if Struggles between the Masters & the Workmen they might become the Parent of infinite mischief.
I am Dear Sir.
Your obliged & [abl] Servt
Geo Coldham
Town Clerk
Dear Sir,
I should have been glad to have heard from you again on the subject of your last Letter to me unless I could infer that Lord Sidmouth’s View of the question was changed by the Information which I afforded him. There is certainly many Symptoms of, of an Increase of Plan System & Organization amongst all the labouring Mechanics throughout the Kingdom. I have endeavoured to obtain more Information on the Subject & when I do I will communicate with you. In the mean time a Circumstance has occurred which I am directed by the Mayor to communicate to you for Lord Sidmouth’s Information. It is by no means the wish of the Mayor to interfere or to censure the Conduct of the Military here but they can not behold with Indifference the Sale of a very considerable quantity of Swords cast off from the Military disposed of here in Nottm at the rate of about 2 or 3 to any Person indifferently who might apply to purchase them. Mr. Alderman Swann as Deputy Mayor called at my Office this Morning & we having heard a Report that 500 old cast off Swords had been disposed of in the Town within these two Weeks last past sent for the Broker (Mr John Blackwell) who was stated to have sold them. Mr Blackwell is a very respectable man but he seemed anxious to decrease as much as might the Extent of his Sale but he admitted he has sold abt 80 on Account of the Officers or Government as we understood of the 9th Regimt of Dragoons. I am sure that in a population like ours it cannot be adviseable for them to be enabled to purchase Swords at such a Price as 2 [shillings] a Sword which was about the Average Price for Blackwell stated that he sold them without Scabbards for 1 [shilling] or one [shilling sixpence] or with Scabbards for 2 [shillings] or 2 [shillings sixpence]. Without our appearing to meddle with this Business Mr Alderman Swann trusts that Lord Sidmouth will make some communication to the War Office or we shall be ready to do it if he wishes it to come thro’ that Channel which may have a tendency to prevent the placing Arms in the Hands of the commonest of the People here In case of any popular Inflammation or if Struggles between the Masters & the Workmen they might become the Parent of infinite mischief.
I am Dear Sir.
Your obliged & [abl] Servt
Geo Coldham
Town Clerk
Friday, 21 March 2014
21st March 1814: Meeting of Hosiers in Nottingham agrees to raise prices
Nottingham, March 21, 1814.
AT A MEETING OF HOSIERS, convened by public advertisement, held this day, at the Police Office.
IT WAS RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, that an advance in the prices of workmanship, in Cotton Hosiery, is absolutely necessary; a committee was appointed to carry the same into effect. The undersigned Committee appointed by this meeting, Resolved unanimously,
That the workmanship of cotton hose, of all qualities under 38 gage be advanced 2d. a pair in maids, and all larger sizes; and 3d. a pair on 38 gages and upwards; childrens’ and half hose in proportion.
This Advance to be made on the list of prices published by the Hosiers, December 13, 1811, with this exception, that 1d. a pair be taken off from narrowed one plain to bound in, that this advance shall take place on all Work made after March 26th, 1814.
Resolved, that altered and finer qualities of RIBBED HOSE, be also advanced 2d. a pair.
Resolved, that the above resolutions be inserted in the Nottingham, Leicester, Derby, and Gloucester Newspapers.
The Committee appointed by this Meeting signed for:―
Morley, Wilson & Morley
Samuel Fox and Son
Ward, Brettle and Ward
James Pritt and Co.
William Chamberlain
Pagets and Byng
Beardsmores and Parker
Oliver and Boden
Samuel Clark
N. Hurst and Co.
Turner and Ward
The undersigned Committee appointed to take into consideration the state of the Silk Trade, feels itself incompetent to decide upon the application of the Plain and Knotted Silk Framework-knitters, on account of the absence of most of the Manufacturers, who are the chief Employers of Three Needle Frames.
Samuel Fox
Joshua Beardsmore
John Byng
John Ward
Friday, 14 March 2014
14th March 1814: The Home Office ask The Rev Hay for more information on a North West Printers Union
Sent to
Revd. W. R. Hay
near Pontefract
W.H. 14th of March 1814
A copy of your letter
Lord Sidmouth having directed a reference to be made to the Attorney & Solicitor General on the Subject of the “Rules for the conducting of the Union Society of Printers Cutters & Drawers in Lancashire Cheshire Derbyshire &c" which you transmitted to His Lordship in your letter of the 20 of last month—I have received His Lordship’s directions to acquaint you that the Law Officers have reported that the articles entered into are illegal by the Statute of 39. & 40 Geo: 3. Ch: 106
The object of these articles is to prevent the masters from using machinery by agreement of the workmen who are parties to the articles not to work for such masters; & also to prevent the workmen from working in certain sorts of work described in some of the different Clauses of the Articles.
This is a combination for controlling & affecting persons who carry on the Trade or business, & as such is illegal, & any of the persons who can be proved to be members of the Society or to have subscribed their money for the purposes of the Combination are guilty of an offence for which they may be convicted—as however no facts are stated as to any particular case the Law Officers cannot point out on which peculiar Branch of the act any individual should be prosecuted, the peculiar offence meant to be charged on any Individual must depend on the specific facts which can be brought home to him; and the Law Officers are further of opinion that when sufficient evidence can be procured of the Society acting upon the principle of these articles the persons who can be proved to be parties to such acts will be very fit subjects for prosecution.
Under these circumstances it would be very desireable that the magistrates should take measures for ascertaining who are the Individuals composing the Society in question, and that sufficient evidence should be procured so as to bring fact home to one or more of the parties of their being members of the sd. Society or of their having subscribed money for the purposes set forthfor in the Rules, in order that a case should may be made out for immd. prosecution; and as soon as you the Magistrates have collected any Information on which they conceive a prosecution may be instituted, Lord Sidmouth requests that it may be transmitted to Him for His information with as little delay as possible.
Lord Sidmouth having received from the Magistrates assembled at the last Salford Sessions a Printed Copy of certain Resolutions which have been lately published at Manchester entitled ‘Rules for the conducting of the Union Society of Printers, Cutters, and Drawers in Lancashire Cheshire Derbyshire &c. has directed the Solicitors of the Treasury to submit the same to the Attorney and Solicitor General and Consult them as to,
How far it would be proper to constitute any legal Proceedings against them.?
We are of opinion that the articles entered into are illegal by the Statute of 39 & 40 Geo 3. ch 106.—
The object of these Articles is to prevent the masters from using machinery by agreement of the Workmen who are parties to the Articles not to work for such masters, and also to prevent the workmen from working in certain sorts of work described in some of the different clauses of the Articles. This is a combination for controlling and affecting persons who carry on the trade or business, and as such, is illegal, and any of the persons who can be proved to be members of the Society or to have subscribed their money for the purposes of the Combination, are guilty of an Offence for which they may be convicted. As we have no facts stated to us as to any particular case, we cannot point out on which peculiar branch of the Act any individual should be prosecuted, the peculiar offence meant to be charged on any Individual must depend on the specific facts which can be brought home to him; and we think when sufficient evidence can be procured of the Society acting upon the principle of these articles the persons who can be proved to be parties to such acts will be very fit subjects of prosecution.
W Garrow
S: Shepherd
Lincolns Inn
11th March 1814
Revd. W. R. Hay
near Pontefract
W.H. 14th of March 1814
Lord Sidmouth having directed a reference to be made to the Attorney & Solicitor General on the Subject of the “Rules for the conducting of the Union Society of Printers Cutters & Drawers in Lancashire Cheshire Derbyshire &c" which you transmitted to His Lordship in your letter of the 20 of last month—I have received His Lordship’s directions to acquaint you that the Law Officers have reported that the articles entered into are illegal by the Statute of 39. & 40 Geo: 3. Ch: 106
The object of these articles is to prevent the masters from using machinery by agreement of the workmen who are parties to the articles not to work for such masters; & also to prevent the workmen from working in certain sorts of work described in some of the different Clauses of the Articles.
This is a combination for controlling & affecting persons who carry on the Trade or business, & as such is illegal, & any of the persons who can be proved to be members of the Society or to have subscribed their money for the purposes of the Combination are guilty of an offence for which they may be convicted—as however no facts are stated as to any particular case the Law Officers cannot point out on which peculiar Branch of the act any individual should be prosecuted, the peculiar offence meant to be charged on any Individual must depend on the specific facts which can be brought home to him; and the Law Officers are further of opinion that when sufficient evidence can be procured of the Society acting upon the principle of these articles the persons who can be proved to be parties to such acts will be very fit subjects for prosecution.
Under these circumstances it would be very desireable that the magistrates should take measures for ascertaining who are the Individuals composing the Society in question, and that sufficient evidence should be procured so as to bring fact home to one or more of the parties of their being members of the sd. Society or of their having subscribed money for the purposes set forth
Lord Sidmouth having received from the Magistrates assembled at the last Salford Sessions a Printed Copy of certain Resolutions which have been lately published at Manchester entitled ‘Rules for the conducting of the Union Society of Printers, Cutters, and Drawers in Lancashire Cheshire Derbyshire &c. has directed the Solicitors of the Treasury to submit the same to the Attorney and Solicitor General and Consult them as to,
How far it would be proper to constitute any legal Proceedings against them.?
We are of opinion that the articles entered into are illegal by the Statute of 39 & 40 Geo 3. ch 106.—
The object of these Articles is to prevent the masters from using machinery by agreement of the Workmen who are parties to the Articles not to work for such masters, and also to prevent the workmen from working in certain sorts of work described in some of the different clauses of the Articles. This is a combination for controlling and affecting persons who carry on the trade or business, and as such, is illegal, and any of the persons who can be proved to be members of the Society or to have subscribed their money for the purposes of the Combination, are guilty of an Offence for which they may be convicted. As we have no facts stated to us as to any particular case, we cannot point out on which peculiar branch of the Act any individual should be prosecuted, the peculiar offence meant to be charged on any Individual must depend on the specific facts which can be brought home to him; and we think when sufficient evidence can be procured of the Society acting upon the principle of these articles the persons who can be proved to be parties to such acts will be very fit subjects of prosecution.
W Garrow
S: Shepherd
Lincolns Inn
11th March 1814
14th March 1814: John Spencer of Makeney calls on the government to strenghten anti-union laws
nr Derby March 14, 1814
My Lord
From the encreased demand for the labour of our Mechanics of late, it is to be expected that some inconveniences, if not tumult, will occur, but I presume to call the attention of your Lordship to a subject which if not timely checked with the future period render all your efforts to do so fruitless, and will eventually destroy our superiority over other countries in manufacture.
What I allude to is the combination of workmen to demand an encreased price for labour; or what the manufacturers term "striking", this is now taking place to a considerable extent in our principal Towns, & will spread to all, if not prevented; & certainly nothing will be more fatal to the real interests of our Country than this misfortune: your Lordship may think this matter only necessary to attend to, when solicited to it by a real necessity of the case, & when called for by a number of Manufacturers. I presume to say that buyer waiting untill that period will produce innumerable misfortunes and vital injury to the Country, which by meeting the danger thus early may be prevented; the remedy is now easy, but hereafter scarcely any power can stop the torrent. At present I will not trouble your Lordship with such detail of what perhaps you may have some knowledge of; but only request to press upon your attention the importance of the subject.
In Sheffield where I was the 8th Inst, I found that three Bodies of workmen had struck, and their employers have complied with the terms they demanded; another Body called the File Makers have demanded an encrease of wages, to take place 2d May next, and they have sent out to the Masters the terms they will work for in future after that period; a printed paper of which I beg to enclose, & which these workmen have sent out to their employers; these File makers get at present in six short days 25 to 35 Shillings for work; the enclosed paper is 15 PCent above that price. Other workmen in Sheffield are preparing to follow this example; they are also doing the same at Nottingham.
The act of Parliament to prevent unlawful combinations of 22. Geo. 2. and others, are not of sufficient strength to meet this Evil, & besides there are several reasons why Masters of Manufactories will not prosecute, particularly since the late treatment in Yorkshire & Mr Trentham being shot at Nottingham.
If your lordship sees in this subject the great fortune importance it is of I will do myself the pleasure of sending you many more particulars.
I have [etc]
John Spencer
nr Derby March 14, 1814
My Lord
From the encreased demand for the labour of our Mechanics of late, it is to be expected that some inconveniences, if not tumult, will occur, but I presume to call the attention of your Lordship to a subject which if not timely checked with the future period render all your efforts to do so fruitless, and will eventually destroy our superiority over other countries in manufacture.
What I allude to is the combination of workmen to demand an encreased price for labour; or what the manufacturers term "striking", this is now taking place to a considerable extent in our principal Towns, & will spread to all, if not prevented; & certainly nothing will be more fatal to the real interests of our Country than this misfortune: your Lordship may think this matter only necessary to attend to, when solicited to it by a real necessity of the case, & when called for by a number of Manufacturers. I presume to say that buyer waiting untill that period will produce innumerable misfortunes and vital injury to the Country, which by meeting the danger thus early may be prevented; the remedy is now easy, but hereafter scarcely any power can stop the torrent. At present I will not trouble your Lordship with such detail of what perhaps you may have some knowledge of; but only request to press upon your attention the importance of the subject.
In Sheffield where I was the 8th Inst, I found that three Bodies of workmen had struck, and their employers have complied with the terms they demanded; another Body called the File Makers have demanded an encrease of wages, to take place 2d May next, and they have sent out to the Masters the terms they will work for in future after that period; a printed paper of which I beg to enclose, & which these workmen have sent out to their employers; these File makers get at present in six short days 25 to 35 Shillings for work; the enclosed paper is 15 PCent above that price. Other workmen in Sheffield are preparing to follow this example; they are also doing the same at Nottingham.
The act of Parliament to prevent unlawful combinations of 22. Geo. 2. and others, are not of sufficient strength to meet this Evil, & besides there are several reasons why Masters of Manufactories will not prosecute, particularly since the late treatment in Yorkshire & Mr Trentham being shot at Nottingham.
If your lordship sees in this subject the great fortune importance it is of I will do myself the pleasure of sending you many more particulars.
I have [etc]
John Spencer
letters to government,
Thursday, 13 March 2014
13th March 1814: The death of the prisoner John Baines the younger
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A detail from 'Portsmouth Harbour with Prison Hulks' by Louis Garneray, c.1820. The Halifax prisoners were held in ships similar to these at the adjoining harbour at Langstone, immediately to the east of Portsmouth |
Baines was the second man to die of the 7 prisoners sentenced to transportation at the York Special Commission. Only 6 weeks after they were sentenced, another of the convicted men, John Lumb, had been run over by a cart which killed him.
Little is known about the cause of Baines death & how he died. The only record is amongst a list of prisoners held on the HMS Portland, where his fate is recorded. Baines would have been around 35 years of age, and his elderly father, also called John (and who was by then about 67), was still alive aboard the same hulk, as were the other prisoners from Halifax. At this stage, none of them had been transported abroad, as per their sentence.
Conditions aboard these prison ships were notoriously poor, to the extent that even those in reasonable health stood a good chance of falling ill from disease. Baines' sentence at York had essentially been a death sentence, only a cruel, slow and lingering one.
john baines junior,
prison hulks,
Monday, 10 March 2014
Saved from destruction - the last resting place of the Luddite John Hill - and plans for his re-burial!
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A view of Greetland Methodist Chapel, and graveyard, from Google Street View |
Fourteen months ago, we quoted a letter from the military commander in the area of Elland, a Lieutenant Cooper, who reported that the Luddite John Hill had been buried at 'in the neighbourhood of Elland' within a few days of his execution at York. Cooper reported that the local parson had refused to read the service over the burial, and that this had caused some ill-feeling amongst those gathered. Cooper intimated however, that this atmosphere was nowhere near as poisonous as that of previous burials, like that of Samuel Hartley at Halifax, which had almost turned into a riot.
Since then, with the research conducted by one particular reader of this website, a local historian and genealogist Andrew Howson, the last resting place of John Hill has been located for certain at the graveyard of Greetland Methodist Chapel, near Halifax. Andrew had located the burial register of the Chapel in both the national archive and the west yorkshire archive, and it showed that a 27 year-old man from North Dean called John Hill was buried there on 20th January 1813.
Unfortunately, the research was made particularly urgent when Andrew discovered that the graveyard was due to be built upon - and most of the burials obliterated - by a housing development. There were plans to remove a limited number of burials from the graveyard, and re-inter them in a memorial garden in another local church. But of John Hill, there was no information (despite a previous press release by the church which had been published acknowledging that 'Luddites' were buried there).
Officials at the church proved difficult to contact initially, perhaps because they had been told by a well-known local academic that no Luddites were buried at Greetland. The academic based this statement on comments in the biography of a Thomas Jackson, the local parson at the time, that he had actively prevented burials of Luddites at Greetland. Fortunately, our presentation of the primary sources indicating the truth to the church does seem to have won out over a secondary source containing the bitter lies of a member of the church hierarchy written decades after the event. The modern church officials confirmed the name and date of the burial in another version of the register, and that there was a small headstone marked 'JH' as well.
The latest news is that, after our intervention, the Church intends to exhume the remains of John Hill and re-inter them at the memorial garden, and also preserve the headstone on this site.
As far as we're concerned, the icing on the cake would be for there to be a plaque remembering John Hill accompanying the re-burial - and perhaps his name attached to any new road on the development, as with 'John Booth Close' at Roberttown.
NB - for the latest news on John Hill's grave, read this blog post.
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
4th March 1814: Thomas Holden's parents write to him from Hag End, near Bolton
Bolton 4th March 1814
Dear Son Thos
[In margin] Nothing but war in Europes.
Thos Holding
[ ] of Commisary [ ]
Esqre in New South Wale[ ]
or Sidney-Cove
Dear Son Thos
It is with the most heartfelt sattisfaction that we can possible express to you that yours of June 24 1813 is come safe to hand, by which you give us an acct of Part of your suffrings since you left home but dista[ ] as you are from us we feel greet pleasure in your haveing it in your Power to say that upon the whole you have found a residence that promises fair for your comfort Even in those remote regeons called New south wales the acct of your Sufrage hath given us all sattisfaction and what aught to be our consolation is that you stand [ ]fortunately sheet with such kind reception /for\ from the tenor of your letter we are led to believe that the man you are liveing with is a gentleman, we beg to say to him we are very thankful that he hath so far condes ended to take you into his service and at the same tim we hope and trust that you will not be wanting to [me ] his favour and esteem whom while he thnks for open to employ you, Dear Thos with such prospects as this we look Forward to those happyer days when you may have the pleasure of engoying Our paternal care for [ ] in your native land which the almighty in his wisdom be pleased to fullfill.
[In margin] We expect by the time you receive [ ] your wife will have had one from you as you say that you will [ ] Fortune her never faiding love to you Adieu
Dear son we shall certainly do all in our power to get your sentance mittageted so that if we can do any thing in that way we will give you the speedyest information you cannot conceive what satisfaction yours gave us for we had all kinds of doubts and reports about you Some time you was [sometimes – scored out] just out at sea some times at one place the next day some where Else But yours of 24th June [ ] put the matter beyond a Doubt alass alass unfortunate son your wife and child is well as are we all hope you are the same as is all other family matters that is your wife and child is where you left them together with all your other things and as you hope to see them once again we shall keep them all to[ ]ther whill your [ ] which we hope will not be long Counterpane weaving is gone to all intents and purposes for out of upwards o 20 looms at the hag end not one is left all the hands are Enployed at Quiltings or muslin we for our part are in the muslin line, hope you will Excuse our short hand yet the heart is the same to you Our dear loving Thos holding [ ] Remembered to you his kind love, and your Cousin Fu- holding the same together with a numerous train of Relatives and acquaintance which all wish to se you again so we Conclude and remain your father and mother till time shall be no more John and Elen holding
[In margin] Nothing but war in Europes.
one knowles father and mother desire that you will let them know if you can where he is he went from England with you
Thos Holding
[ ] of Commisary [ ]
Esqre in New South Wale[ ]
or Sidney-Cove
hag end,
letters to family,
thomas holden
Sunday, 2 March 2014
2nd March 1814: The Treasury Solicitor informs the Home Office about his views on Nadin's expenses
Lincolns Inn
March 2. 1814
Mr. Hobhouse presents Complts. to Mr. Beckett, and returns Mr. Nadin's Memorial, & the accompanying Documents received from Mr. Beckett on the 26th ulto. Although on the Inspection of Mr. Nadin's Charges there certainly does not appear to be any Claim for his personal Labour, yet the Amount of some of those Items which are charged as Disbursements, leads to a strong Suspicion that a considerable Profit on them must have occurred to himself. W.H. makes this Observation, not with a View of subjecting the Bill to Revision, which he thinks would at this time be useless, but as it may weigh something in deciding on the question of Mr. Nadin's ulterior Remuneration. W.H. regards Nadin as a very useful Police Officer, whom it is desirable to render chearful in the Execution of his Duty, & on this Ground he presumes to think it would not be amiss, particularly after the long Delay wch has occurred in paying his Bill, to present him with a moderate Gratuity.
With regard to the Derbyshire Cases, in respect of which Nadin thinks himself [badly] treated, it is fit to observe that Government has neither directly nor indirectly had any Concern in them. W.H. knows not by whom Nadin was employed, nor by whom the Prosecution were conducted; but he apprehends that the 5 Convictions entitle the Prosecutor to 5 Rewards of £40 each besides Tyburn Tickets, out of which Nadin probably had, & certainly was entitled to have, a considerable Share
March 2. 1814
Mr. Hobhouse presents Complts. to Mr. Beckett, and returns Mr. Nadin's Memorial, & the accompanying Documents received from Mr. Beckett on the 26th ulto. Although on the Inspection of Mr. Nadin's Charges there certainly does not appear to be any Claim for his personal Labour, yet the Amount of some of those Items which are charged as Disbursements, leads to a strong Suspicion that a considerable Profit on them must have occurred to himself. W.H. makes this Observation, not with a View of subjecting the Bill to Revision, which he thinks would at this time be useless, but as it may weigh something in deciding on the question of Mr. Nadin's ulterior Remuneration. W.H. regards Nadin as a very useful Police Officer, whom it is desirable to render chearful in the Execution of his Duty, & on this Ground he presumes to think it would not be amiss, particularly after the long Delay wch has occurred in paying his Bill, to present him with a moderate Gratuity.
With regard to the Derbyshire Cases, in respect of which Nadin thinks himself [badly] treated, it is fit to observe that Government has neither directly nor indirectly had any Concern in them. W.H. knows not by whom Nadin was employed, nor by whom the Prosecution were conducted; but he apprehends that the 5 Convictions entitle the Prosecutor to 5 Rewards of £40 each besides Tyburn Tickets, out of which Nadin probably had, & certainly was entitled to have, a considerable Share
henry hobhouse,
john beckett,
joseph nadin,
letters to government,
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