Saturday, 21 April 2012

21st April 1812: Birmingham Magistrates report disturbances to the Home Office


Some symptoms of Disturbance having taken place in this Town, a few windows broken & the sellers of Potatoes assaulted We have ordered the Patroles of the Scots Grays in different parts and as some of those Troop were sent for to Walsall yesterday we have also written to Gen. Dyott at Lichfield to send two more Troops to the Barracks here, & have desired Col’ Gosselyn to send a Party of the Recruits under his command to guard the Tower (the Place so-called) where Government Arms are lodged — and we have also published Hand Bills assuring the Farmers of being protected in bringing Potatoes to market

We hope therefore that the Peace will be effectually preserved as we shall continue in Town till all Danger so [illegible]

We have the honor to be Sir
Your most faithful Servs

Wm Villers
Wm Hamper

Birm’ April 21. 1812. 3 o'Clock

This letter can be found at HO 42/122.

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